July 23 - Day Two 103.43 miles 188.94 total miles 8:00:52 bicycling time 12.9 mph average speed |
p.m. Black River Falls, WI |
Tough day. Really tough. I'm just hoping to have something
left for tomorrow. We started out with a nice 26 miles on a trail by a river. It was beautiful, the weather was cool, and there were no hills. Very pretty area. After that, though . . . yikes. Right after Pit 2 there was a massive hill that came as a complete surprise--turn a corner and, boom, hill. Lots of riders were struggling. When I got to the top, I got off my bike to take a drink, and I ended up staying for 30 minutes to cheer people on. There were a few other Team Canticle riders, and two of them rode down the hill a few times to help other riders up. I'm not that nuts. It was lots of fun, and I was actually happier seeing other people get to the top than getting there myself. ![]() After lunch I perked up a little, but my legs never got back to full strength. (It's now Wednesday a.m. I stopped and went to sleep.) After lunch we had about 46 miles left. I started OK but got slower and slower through the afternoon. We had two pit stops close together, then a 15-mile ride to a grab-and-go. [Ed: A grab-and-go is a stop that just has drinks and porta-potties, and sometimes some minor food.] Luckily, I met someone named Heather on the way to the g-n-g--we talked and kind of kept each other going. And I decided to sag at the g-n-g--there was a monster hill right before camp, and I was worried that if I did the last 5.5 miles my legs wouldn't recover before the next day. I'm not sure how they'll do--they're still sore. It's going to be another rough day. So I'm disappointed that I didn't finish, but, thanks to the detour, I rode more than the originally scheduled 102 miles anyway. That was my first century--yay me. :-) I just hope today isn't as bad--I was so miserable and unhappy yesterday afternoon. I heard last night that 1/3 of the riders were swept at lunch or before because they were going so slowly, and a lot of people sagged later. So at least I made it most of the way. Sue finished, even though she was behind me--she was in the very last group they let go through. I'm totally impressed. And she had had a flat in the morning, so she did great. ![]() Well, I'm hoping Tuesday was the worst of the ride, but you never know. 108 miles today--at least, that's what they're saying. I'm just hoping to find some strength in my legs to get through it. And no headwind. Please. That was a killer. On to Day Three Back to the index |